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- Oct 14, 2007
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as a huge fan of Uncharted Waters II for the SNES I hate how the series and the sequels has been criminally neglected outside Japan, with Koei rather opting to bring out tons of mediocre Dynasty Warrior games to American shores.
So my dream would be doing a translation of Daikoukai Jidai IV: Rota Nova, which was released for both PSP and DS a while ago. From what I've played with my next-to-none Japanese knowledge it's a very fun and addictive game, but with its complexity, it's pretty much impossible to thoroughly understand everything without knowing Japanese.
Now I've got quite a few contacts with people who are able to translate Japanese and willing to work on a script. But I have no clues about how rom translation in general works. Can any of the experts here perhaps tell me how hard it would be (or if it would be possible at all) to extract and later on, reinsert the script of Daikoukai Jidai IV?
Thanks in advance.
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- Oct 15, 2007
- #2
Harder than you can imagine.
Go to this site, they might be able to help you.
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- Oct 15, 2007
- #3
I have a feeling I already played with this rom at some point (if I recall it used shiftJIS and a simple pointer system that was slightly offset (you took 20 hex for the header/pointer table or some such). I am somewhat snowed under with other projects so I can not commit to this.
Anyhow it is possible, romhacking.net and this very section is a good start but remember the DS uses a file system which you can unpack with ndstool (or frontends like DSBuff and DSlazy, see the rom ripping and enhancements link in my signature for usage and such) which makes life easier most of the time (romhacking.net focuses on older systems which do not tend to feature this). I also started and continue to work on a guide to GBA/DS hacking: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=36860 (deufeufeu made another and there are also threads dotted
See also crystaltile2 (2 threads around here), tahaxan and http://kiwi.ds.googlepages.com/nsbmd.html (as well as the base site from this link)
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- Oct 16, 2007
- #4
Just want to say, I too would love to see this game translated.
Let me know if you make any progress on it.
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- Oct 26, 2007
- #5
You people need to start playing Uncharted Waters 2. BUMP
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- Oct 28, 2008
- #6
yeah, then after you beat uncharted waters 2, you wait for someone to translate one of the XX sequels they made of it in japan..
even more now since they are releasing some on the ds..
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- Jan 10, 2010
- #7
Is this game ever going to be translated? Ive been waiting for years already.
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- Jan 30, 2010
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Bump in hopes of someone kind enough to take on this huge project.
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- Jul 13, 2010
- #9
I really hope this game is translated...
This is an addicting game ^^''
i already made a thread 2 years ago though >.<
dont have any friend to help translating this game >.<
i hope someone would take this project >.
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One of the absolute best game series ever.
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yup ^^
the gameplay is epic =p
reminds me when im still in elementary school...
opening the world map.. just for to play the first series >.
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- Jul 13, 2010
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I'm following the Uncharted Waters - New Horizons (SNES) Let's Play on SomethingAwful ... oh my! The game appears to be really good ( specially the pirate storyline ).
Here, have a look:
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- Jun 2, 2011
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I can read japanese pretty fluently i am gonna try to pick this up and try to translate it in my spare time problem is i am new to the hacking and need to work it all out before i can do any translating.
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- Jun 3, 2011
- #14
whoa thats great ^^
i dont speak Japanese >.< , cant hack either .. so... i dont know what to help @_@
if u need just to type or anything just tell me
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- Jun 3, 2011
- #15
Thnx Mys right now i just pulled the rom apart and will start to pull the text out. Its hard to hack when its your first time lol.
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- Jun 3, 2011
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Endbomb said:
Thnx Mys right now i just pulled the rom apart and will start to pull the text out. Its hard to hack when its your first time lol.
The first step is learning how. Don't go headfirst without learning how to hack or you won't be able to fix things later on.
Good luck.
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I'm really glad that someone is at least trying. It's really sad how the community doesn't rally based on the quality of the game but on the quality of the team. I mean, I'm not complaining by any means but they don't pick the best games, they commit to projects that while decent games, aren't usually the best available. I mean games like this, DQMJ2,Shining force feather,Xenosaga are all a lot better than almost any game that has been fully translated, except no one has cared, it's sad and nothing will change.
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- Jun 3, 2011
- #18
Lazy727 said:
I'm really glad that someone is at least trying. It's really sad how the community doesn't rally based on the quality of the game but on the quality of the team. I mean, I'm not complaining by any means but they don't pick the best games, they commit to projects that while decent games, aren't usually the best available. I mean games like this, DQMJ2,Shining force feather,Xenosaga are all a lot better than almost any game that has been fully translated, except no one has cared, it's sad and nothing will change.
I really do wish you'd stop complaining for once. Translation teams translate what they want. Be grateful rather than whining about why they haven't done games YOU want. It's their skills, not yours. If the team is aren't serious, drop from the face of the planet, aren't cooperating, and/or no one really knows anything beyond google translate, how will the translation be? That is why the quality of the team is important. If you really want those games translated, go learn romhacking and/or Japanese and do them yourself.
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- Jun 3, 2011
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Except it's not complaining, it's observing. I am not what you say I am, you're just generalizing my statements to fit your agenda and if anything, your the one complaining. You don't think I realize that? Of course they do what they want and it's a lot, but that doesn't mean they're perfect.
I am simply stating that they latch on to projects based on respect for the team rather than respect for the game. I can't change anything, I still respect them. Just because I point out something that gets no acknowledgement doesn't mean I'm disrespecting what they do, you act like I'm a troll who makes nasty comments, it's fitting your agenda of what you want me to be, anyone who thinks differently on the internet is treated like a troll. I can have an opinion on which projects get little credit and which projects are given too much the same as anyone, you do a lot on here, you know I actually admire your skills, but you belittle people, you're not better than me, just different.
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- Jun 3, 2011
- #20
The point is that your arguments were invalid from the start - if you look around, you've got a lot of supporters even for games which aren't being translated by famous teams and yet they've got a lot of people cheering for them, so people do "latch" onto translations of their favourite games, even if it is just one individual. Look at Wolf and Spice for example, or Love Plus (to mention few).
And who says the things which get translated are not "best" but "decent"? Do you mean to say that Tales of Innocence and Soma Bringer are just decent? They're great games and translators translate the games they choose because they like them and often think it's a very good game which people will like, like with the two mentioned games. Do you think they would go and pick a game which isn't very good on purpose?
Saying that DQMJ2, Shining force feather and Xenosaga "are all a lot better than almost any game that has been fully translated" is just your personal opinion, like someone else can easily say "But DQMJ2 is just slightly better DQMJ but still has the same repetitious monster collecting, while Xenosaga is waay better on PS2 and SFF is just another strategy."
So you sound like another whiner because you're essentially saying that games you want didn't get translated while others which you don't think are good did.