Authors: Alice Raffaele, Romeo Rizzi, and Takeaki Uno
Published: 02 July 2024 Publication History
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Given a connected graph G = ( V, E ), with n ≔ | V | vertices and m ≔ | E | edges, a cut can be represented as a bipartition { S, S ¯ } of the vertices or as the set of those edges in E having one endpoint in S and the other in S ¯, denoted by δ G ( S, S ¯ ). A cut is minimal, or also called bond, if and only if the two induced subgraphs obtained by removing the edges in the cut are both connected. When the bond separates two given vertices s and t, we talk about s, t-bond. In this work, we consider the problems of listing all the bonds and listing all the s, t-bonds in a graph. These fundamental problems find application in many research areas, such as, beyond graph theory, network reliability, bioinformatics, and chemistry. The state-of-the-art algorithm exploits binary partition to output each s, t-bond in O ( m ) per bond, being thus classified as an O ( m )-delay algorithm. Here we present two new algorithms to address these problems. The first one implements a slightly different branching strategy than the state of the art, though achieving the same complexity. Anyway, we can improve it by relying on dynamic data structures and amortized analysis, obtaining an algorithm that outputs a new bond in O ˜ ( n ). By assuming only the two bond-shores are output for every bond, this is the first output-linear algorithm listing bonds. In case we commit to explicitly providing the entire edge-set of every bond, the delay becomes O ˜ ( n ) + | δ G ( S, S ¯ ) |.
We study the problem of listing all minimal cuts (or bonds) in a graph.
We exploit a different branching strategy than Tsukiyama et al. (1980).
We provide a first algorithm having the same complexity as Tsukiyama et al. (1980).
We rely on dynamic data structures and amortized analysis to improve our approach.
We propose the first O ˜ ( n )-delay algorithm to list all bonds in a graph.
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Information & Contributors
Published In
Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 348, Issue C
May 2024
320 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
Elsevier B.V.
Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
Publication History
Published: 02 July 2024
Author Tags
- Enumeration
- Graph theory
- Minimal cut
- Binary partition
- Dynamic data structure
- Amortized analysis
- Research-article
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